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- ; This INF file installs the Silicon Image Serial ATA Raid driver
- ; for the SiI 3114 controller on systems running Windows 98/ME,
- ; Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
- ;
- ; Copyright (C) 2003 by Silicon Image, Inc.
- ; All rights reserved
- [Version]
- Signature="$Chicago$"
- Class=SCSIAdapter
- ClassGuid={4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Provider=%SI%
- ;;CatalogFile=SI3114r.cat
- DriverVer=5/30/2003,
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1="Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid Driver Installation Disk",SI3114r.sys,,
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- SI3114r.sys = 1
- SI3114r.mpd = 1
- SiiSupp.vxd = 1
- SiWinAcc.sys = 1
- [DestinationDirs]
- DefaultDestDir = 12
- DllFiles = 11
- [DriverFiles_9X]
- SI3114r.mpd,,,0x20
- SiiSupp.vxd,,,0x20
- [DriverFiles_NT_2K]
- SI3114r.sys,,,0x20
- [DriverFiles_XP]
- SI3114r.sys,,,0x20
- SiWinAcc.sys,,,0x20
- [Manufacturer]
- %SI%=SI_HDC,NTx86.5.1
- [SI_HDC]
- %PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3114.DeviceDesc%=SI_3114, PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3114&SUBSYS_61141095
- [SI_HDC.NTx86.5.1]
- %PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3114.DeviceDesc%=SI_3114_XP, PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3114&SUBSYS_61141095
- ;; Win9x install section
- ;;
- [SI_3114]
- DriverVer=5/05/2003,
- Copyfiles=DriverFiles_9X, DllFiles
- AddReg = ios, win98.reg, Win98ProblemDeviceList, Win98SupportedSubSystemIds
- ;; Windows NT4.0 and Windows 2000 install sections
- ;;
- [SI_3114.NTX86]
- Copyfiles=DriverFiles_NT_2K
- [SI_3114.NTX86.Services]
- AddService=SI3114r,0x00000002,SI_3114_Service_Install, Miniport_EventLog_Inst
- ;; Windows XP install sections
- ;;
- [SI_3114_XP]
- Copyfiles=DriverFiles_XP
- [SI_3114_XP.Services]
- AddService=SI3114r,0x00000002,SI_3114_Service_Install, Miniport_EventLog_Inst
- AddService=SiFilter,,FilterService_Install
- [SI_3114_Service_Install]
- DisplayName=%SI3114.SvcDesc%
- ServiceType=1
- StartType=0
- ErrorControl=1
- ServiceBinary=%12%\SI3114R.sys
- LoadOrderGroup=Scsi miniport
- AddReg=PnPSupport_AddReg
- AddReg=ProblemDeviceList_AddReg
- AddReg=SupportedSubSystemIds_AddReg
- [FilterService_Install]
- DisplayName=SATALink driver accelerator
- ServiceType=1
- StartType=0
- ErrorControl=0
- ServiceBinary=%12%\SiWinAcc.sys
- LoadOrderGroup=Filter
- ; Mark device as supporting Plug & Play on the PCI(5) bus.
- [PnPSupport_AddReg]
- HKR,Parameters\PnPInterface,5,0x00010001,1
- ; List of devices with known configuration issues.
- [ProblemDeviceList_AddReg]
- HKR,ProblemDevices
- HKR,ProblemDevices, %ProblemDev1Name%, 0, %ProblemDev1Value%
- ; List of controller subsystem IDs to be supported by the SI3114R.sys driver on
- ; NT/Win2K/XP systems.
- [SupportedSubSystemIds_AddReg]
- HKR,SupportedSubsystemIDs,%PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3114.DeviceDesc%,0x00010001, 0x61141095
- [Win98ProblemDeviceList]
- HKLM,%Win98ProblemDeviceSubKey%
- HKLM,%Win98ProblemDeviceSubKey%, %ProblemDev1Name%, 0, %ProblemDev1Value%
- ; List of controller subsystem IDs to be supported by the SI3114R.mpd driver on
- ; Windows 98/ME systems.
- [Win98SupportedSubSystemIds]
- HKLM, %Win98SupportedControllersSubKey%,%PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3114.DeviceDesc%,0x00010001, 0x61141095
- ;*************************************************************
- ;The NT EventLog entries are the same for all SCSI miniports.
- [Miniport_EventLog_Inst]
- AddReg = Miniport_EventLog_AddReg
- [Miniport_EventLog_AddReg]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- [IOS]
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*IOS
- HKR,,DontLoadIfConflict,,"Y"
- [WIN98.REG]
- HKR,,PortDriver,,SI3114R.mpd
- [Strings]
- SI="Silicon Image"
- PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3114.DeviceDesc="Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid Controller"
- SI3114.SvcDesc="SiI-3114 SATARaid Controller"
- Win98ProblemDeviceSubKey = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SI3114R\ProblemDevices"
- Win98SupportedControllersSubKey = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SI3114R\SupportedSubsystemIDs"
- ProblemDev1Name="Maxtor 4D060H3 DAK05GK0"
- ProblemDev1Value="MaxMode = UDMA-5"